This article is devoted to such a topical issue of our time as migration, which entails certain socio-economic and political consequences for various states. The article explores the problem of migrants in modern Japan. It reveals government policies regarding migrants; the cultural aspect of the issue related to the rejection of foreigners by the Japanese and their culture, which is based on the dualistic concept of “uti” and “soto”, which creates problems in interpersonal relations. The current demographic situation associated with an aging population and a reduction in fertility is shown. The necessity of migrants as a reserve of labor is substantiated. Data on the number of migrants and their employment in various fields of activity are given. The results of a survey conducted by the authors of the article among students and teachers of the Department of Japanese Studies of KazNU named after Al-Farabi, who had an internship in Japan.
How to Cite
Балакаева, Л. and Адильгазинова, А. 2021. THE PROBLEMS OF MIGRANTS IN MODERN JAPAN. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Historical and social-political sciences. 1, 64 (May 2021).