In this article on considerable actual material the scientific problem low-investigated in historical literature connected with the place and a role of institute of a biystvo in traditional Kazakh nomadic society is considered. Sources of institute of a biystvo, contents and character, degree and depth of perception are traced by modern mass consciousness of the concept "court биев", "council биев". Objective characteristics of those representations and associations which took place in the past, concerning assessment of the place and a role биев in the fate of both ordinary people, and society in general are shown. Judgments of the famous experts on court биев – Ch.Valikhanova, S.Zimanova – concerning that knowledge, abilities and skills and also moral qualities and ethical standards which had to possess and adhere applicants for a high rank Biya are given. A certain attention in article is paid to questions of a social origin биев, age criteria, continuity of family traditions and also those principles which adhered to Biya in the daily practice. The noticeable place in article is taken by judgments relatively:
a) positions which were taken known to Biya in relation to steppe governors;
b) the bases, conditions and opportunities which were given by tribal structure together with steppe democracy for the free choice of impartial and honest judges;
c) historical conditions of emergence of court биев and council биев;
d) process of formation of the set of precepts of law of "Zheta Zhargy";
e) places and roles биев in the solution of problems of social, diplomatic and military-political character;
e) the bases and the reasons of geopolitical character which have led to decline, and then and elimination
institute of a biystvo.
The analysis, comprehensive and profound study of institute of a biystvo, gives the chance to use some elements of legal proceedings in modern society.
Published May 2021
How to Cite
Ошанов, Н., Нурлигенова, З. and Макалаков, Т. 2021. INSTITUTE OF AMBIENCE IN TRADITIONAL KAZAKH SOCIETY. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Historical and social-political sciences. 1, 64 (May 2021). DOI: