The geopolitical location of Kazakhstan, located in the center of Eurasia, a complex ethnic composition, the desire to create an open market system in the economy made it necessary to conduct a peaceful foreign policy. Kazakhstan announced to the world about their positions as soon as proclaimed independence. "The Republic of Kazakhstan its relations with other states based on the principles of international law", - declared in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The economic conditions of ability to live which are the economic base of tourism have changed, and this business factor has essentially limited participation in tourism of many social strata. The balance between astronomical and working hours, defining extraworking hours has changed. Which is possible for immutable employment and leisure. In a number of departments there were instead of one annual two truncated holidays during different seasons. Levels of knowledge and erudition of the population, public health, an urbanization, character of labor and family-household
activity have changed. Simultaneously with it the turistko-excursion system has changed and has accordingly changed vision of a situation and prospects. The thesis about successful geographical and geopolitical position of Kazakhstan which became an ordinary stamp in works of the authors far from knowledge tourizm of technologies is doubtful. World practice has proved that high cost of the entry visa reduces quantity of tourists.
Published May 2021
How to Cite
Алдашева , А. 2021. INTERNATIONAL TOURISM IS THE FUTURE OF THE COUNTRY. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Historical and social-political sciences. 1, 64 (May 2021).