The system of international relations is constantly changing, where there are new challenges, problems, certain trends. In this sense, global migration is no exception. In this paper, we are talking about the fact that migrants from Central Asia in recent years are directed against the traditional vector, where Russia is replaced by other European countries.
Such a trend cannot be short-term for a number of internal and external reasons, where globalization, leveling the natural borders of States, contributes to the gradual growth of world migration. Moreover, the leading European countries with a high level of economic development have always attracted foreigners who were in search of work and a better life. Other reasons for the urgency of this problem include the rapid demographic development of Central Asia, the interest of European countries in cheaper labor, but, nevertheless, sufficiently qualified. In addition, the economic crisis in Russia, the complication of migration policy, the weakening of the currency exchange rate, as well as the dependence of the budget of the Central Asian countries on remittances from abroad in the complex provoke a great interest in changing the traditional migration direction.
The aim of the work is to investigate the phenomenon of gradual increase in the number of migrants from Central Asia to Europe and to analyze the causes and consequences of this phenomenon in the context of the current international situation.
Based on the results of the review of the problem, it is concluded that the number of migrants from Central Asia in the European Union is gradually increasing. In the next decades, this phenomenon will also be relevant due to the high birth rate and relatively young average age of citizens in Central Asia, the EU's need for cheap and at the same time skilled labor, the low level of the Central Asian economy and the economic crisis in Russia
Published May 2021
How to Cite
Shapay, M. 2021. MIGRATIONAL FLOW FROM CENTRAL ASIA TO THE EUROPEAN UNION. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Historical and social-political sciences. 1, 64 (May 2021). DOI: