This article examines the role of school textbooks on the history of Kazakhstan in the formation of national identity. Thanks to an interdisciplinary approach based on historiography, research in the field of identity theory and nation-building, the article presents a comparative analysis of the narration of important historical events in school textbooks from different periods of time, which contribute to the construction of Kazakhstan’s national identity. This article examines the evolution of historical narratives in textbooks from the early 1990s to the latest editions recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, analyzing changes in emphasis, perspective, and ideological framework.
By examining the content and message of school textbooks, the article offers insight into the complex interaction between education, historical consciousness and the formation of national identity in Kazakhstan. This research can provide insight into how changes in the narrative of historical events in school textbooks reflect and perpetuate broader social narratives and aspirations, ultimately contributing to the formation of national identity in the Republic of Kazakhstan.