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Methodological basis for the application of the history of small towns of East Kazakhstan in the educational process in the discipline of History of Kazakhstan

Published December 2023
Медицинский университет Семей

A thorough analysis of the typological characterisation teaching methods for small towns in East Kazakhstan is presented. The foundation of the teaching process is a review of the social and economic development of small towns in the East Kazakhstan region from 1925 to 1991 using cutting edge learning technology. It describes the kinds of learning associated with the educational, health care, and cultural systems in the tiny towns of the East Kazakhstan region. Knowledge of usage in the educational process of numerous small towns in the East Kazakhstan region was examined. These towns had long struggled with a range of social and economic issues. Training takes into account the social, economic, and professional issues of the people living in small towns in East Kazakhstan. The methodology of analyzing the dynamics of population growth in small towns is also given.

Focusing on small towns of East Kazakhstan region, we aim to understand the formation of urban planning structure of settlements in Kazakhstan. The article considers the use of problem-based methods of small towns, solved with the help of questions and tasks, which are the basis of learning in historical educational practice, and the history of their emergence in small towns of East Kazakhstan region. Individual independent work on problem solving and individual specificity is required from the learner. At present, such problem-based learning is organized under the guidance of the teacher at training sessions for learning and transformation into skills of professional education and creativity, development of thinking as a result of active independent activity of the student.

Innovative methods of modern teaching are applied: studying the history of small towns of East Kazakhstan region with the help of visual data, studying the city of Kurchatov with the help of mosaic method, method of traveling to museums, etc. 



How to Cite

Аманбекова, Н. 2023. Methodological basis for the application of the history of small towns of East Kazakhstan in the educational process in the discipline of History of Kazakhstan. BULLETIN ABAI KAZNPU, THE SERIES OF «HISTORICAL AND SOCIO-POLITICAL SCIENCES». 4, 79 (Dec. 2023). DOI: