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Housing issue and income of citizens of Kyzylorda

Published September 2023
КазНПУ имени Абая

The daily life history of Kyzylorda residents of the capital period plays an integral part of the social and local history in the national historiography. When studying the history of everyday life, an applicant scientist must first of all clearly and at the necessary level learn about his chosen object. The main object in our research work is the everyday life history of citizens. At the beginning of 1920, the city of Akmeshit (Kyzylorda) was a small provincial town. The liiving standards of residents were poor. For example, production facilities did not work in both the city and the county, the local population earned a living by trading and grazing cattle. Hospitals and schools that were funded by the state did not have enough funds. The district budget appealed to local citizens in order to eliminate the shortage of funds. The first quarter of the twentieth century was a period in the history of our country, full of significant events. One of such historical events was the resolution of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of Kazakhstan on the transfer of the capital from Orenburg to Akmeshit (Kyzylorda) in 1925. This decision was made and implemented by the whole country in difficult times of our republic. Especially for the city of Kyzylorda, this historical time was very important, as the city left its indelible mark in determining the shape of the future republic. Therefore, currently, the study of capital cities history is important for national history.



How to Cite

Zhalmagambetov, Y. 2023. Housing issue and income of citizens of Kyzylorda. BULLETIN ABAI KAZNPU, THE SERIES OF «HISTORICAL AND SOCIO-POLITICAL SCIENCES». 76, 4 (Sep. 2023). DOI: