Currently, historical science faces important problems, the solution of which involves the study of the key issues of cultural development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The vast territory of Kazakhstan, various natural-climatic, natural-geographical and other conditions have ensured the heterogeneity and specificity of the cultural development of its individual regions. In this regard, the study of the problems of the regional history of the development of Kazakhstan, shown by the example of Semipalatinsk, which allows us to trace the dynamics of processes in the interrelation of objective causes and consequences, as an integral system in all its complexity and versatility.
Thus, cultural and educational work was effective, providing a large percentage of the covered population. If we take into account that this included theaters, cinema, music, etc., which aroused universal interest, it also becomes clear that the constant growth and productivity of the activities of cultural and educational institutions. Despite the difficulties that existed, an important role was assigned to educational institutions that arose among national minorities. As far as possible, their functioning was ensured in their native language, with appropriate literature, and preparation for admission of their representatives to universities in the country.
The topic of our research touches upon the issues of cultural transformation in Semipalatinsk during the late XIX century.