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Published June 2021

The article, based on the analysis of historiography, concludes the ulus of Jochi as the source of Kazakhstan’s statehood, in close dependence on the context of its western part. The author believes that after 1242, Uly Dala - Ulus Juchi began to represent several state entities: the right (western) and the left (eastern), while the priority in the sources was given to the right wing, which represented the Ulus Batu. According to the established scientific conclusion and opinion of foreign researchers, the West of the Mongols was traditionally designated in white, so Ulus Batu in historical materials is known as Ak Orda. It completely covered the territory of modern Western Kazakhstan, the Volga region, the North Caucasus, don and Dnieper steppes and the Crimea.
The author also emphasizes that in the Message of the Head of State objectively noted the historical role of Joshy Khan, the founder of this association is objectively noted.The researchers of the International Turkic Academy adhere to a similar position, which in general objectively substantiates the historical priority at the indicated period of national history. According to the author this event is entirely associated with the period of the reign of Zhoša Khan (1182-1227 gg.). However, the author considers it quite objective to take into account the materials of the oral history from folk tales. In particular the indicated conclusion is confirmed by the historical Kurultai of 1269 in the Talas River valley, at the junction of modern Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
The conclusions and judgments in the article are based on the sources of Josh, Chagatai and Ugeday - namely Mengu Timur, Boraki Haydu, who, due to the prevailing military and political circumstances,
recognized each other as sovereign rulers, concluding an alliance against the then known Khubilai in case he does not recognize their independence. In this respect the Talas kurultai of 1269 should also be considered a historical frontier, when the de jure, de facto ceased to exist a single empire of Genghis Khan. According to the author of the article, it was then that the ulus of Zhoshy - Ulug Ulus - the Great Ulus-Altyn Orda represents the source of the Kazakh statehood.

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