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Тұлғатану: Ж Мыңбаев мемлекетшіл тұлға

Published January 2022
КазНПУ им.Абая

The article is devoted to the history of the life and activities of the famous statesman and public figure Zh.Mynbaev. The author, studying the environment and the influence of the family on the formation of Zh.Mynbaev as a person, emphasizes the role of the work biography in this process. He went through all the stages of career growth, from the county level to the leader of the republican scale. As the initiator of important undertakings, he left a worthy role model for today's youth. According to the author, Zh. Mynbayev took care of promoting Kazakh personnel to high government posts, advocated expanding the scope of the Kazakh language, and really solved the problems of the Kazakh press. The article analyzes the conclusions and provisions formulated in the speeches and articles of Zh.Mynbaev dedicated to the issues of socialist construction and the national policy of the party. His biography, service to his native people and country should take a worthy place in the memory of young people.



How to Cite

Нурымбетова, Г. 2022. Тұлғатану: Ж Мыңбаев мемлекетшіл тұлға. BULLETIN ABAI KAZNPU, THE SERIES OF «HISTORICAL AND SOCIO-POLITICAL SCIENCES». 68, 4 (Jan. 2022). DOI: