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Алтын Орда дәуіріне жататын әдебиеттердің негізгі мәдени-көркемдік кодтары мен уәждемелерінің көркемдік және тілдік өзгеріске ұшырауы

Published September 2021
КазНПУ им.Абая

The article emphasizes the importance of the need to preserve the national code of the Kazakh people indicated in the article of the first President of Kazakhstan "Orientation to the future: spiritual rebirth". In addition, the written monuments of the Golden Horde era tell about the traditions and customs that influence the revival of public consciousness, forming the cultural code of our people. And also, in the works of Nasiruddin Bakhanddin Rabguzi, the concept of worldview is explained from a religious point of view, nevertheless, it is accompanied by customs closely related to human life. Rabguzi's literary heritage, written during the time of the Golden Horde, emphasizes the importance of the customs of not only Turkic peoples, but also other peoples in human life. The article says that the work of Rabguzi serves as a tool for the continuation of spiritual education, passed on from generation to generation of the Turkic people. The work "Kisas-ul Anbiya" is a very important work in the spiritual education of young people from the point of view of cultural value. The factors influencing the formation of human behavior and the perception of the soul through spiritual culture, reason, responsibility in a person are considered. If a person consists of these feelings - his life and its course are a combination of spiritual phenomena, it will certainly continue yesterday, today and tomorrow.

The article analyzes the fact that every nation of the world perceives world civilization through its national code, worldview, national consciousness and seeks to flexibly develop it in accordance with the traditions and customs of its nation. The works of Rabguzi are valued for the fact that there are common literary works common to the Turkic-speaking peoples, including the study of ethnography and understanding of the language of the Kazakh people. The article says that the study of the presence of common sources in the study of the ethnography of the Kazakh people in the work of Rabguzi is an urgent problem today.

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How to Cite

Даутова, С. 2021. Алтын Орда дәуіріне жататын әдебиеттердің негізгі мәдени-көркемдік кодтары мен уәждемелерінің көркемдік және тілдік өзгеріске ұшырауы. BULLETIN ABAI KAZNPU, THE SERIES OF «HISTORICAL AND SOCIO-POLITICAL SCIENCES». 69, 1 (Sep. 2021). DOI: