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Cinema as a cultural factor of history. Shaken Aimanov, “The Land of Fathers” (“Atameken”).

Published July 2021
Евразийский гуманитарный институт
The article is devoted to the analysis of the cinema as a historical cultural phenomenon. The author considers the peculiarities of the historical period of the 1950-1970s which are noted by a short-term development of democratic tendencies in the Soviet society that gave the opportunity to the freer and more successful development of many genres of culture including cinematography. In the Kazakh cinema art the name of the producer Shaken Aimanov who created some author’s films among which “The Land of Fathers” (1966) occupies a peculiar place is well established. On the basis of scientific approaches there are revealed the main methods of Sh.Aimanov’s directing which allowed him alongside the original dramaturgy to use modern innovations of the visual pictorial type and which allowed achieving vivid expressiveness and more credibility of the author’s conception about the past and the present. “The Land of Fathers” remains one of the bright factors of the cultural memory created by the Kazakh producer by means of the cinema language.
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How to Cite

Джанпеисова, М. 2021. Cinema as a cultural factor of history. Shaken Aimanov, “The Land of Fathers” (“Atameken”). BULLETIN ABAI KAZNPU, THE SERIES OF «HISTORICAL AND SOCIO-POLITICAL SCIENCES». 67, 3 (Jul. 2021). DOI: