Trust is the basis of self-knowledge and the realization of a person in a complex system of social relations. Therefore, it is necessary that all people understand the essence of this phenomenon.
The purpose of the study is to reveal the potentials of trust as a social phenomenon, and to substantiate its role in improving the quality of social relations in Kazakhstani society.
The main problem is the insufficiently high level of trust among people in the interpersonal and institutional aspects. Problems arise due to the low level of development of civic values, and the emergence of behavioral patterns that do not comply with the social norms of civil society. Trusting relationships between social actors can develop by improving the
basic aspects of successful socialization in the process of creating a competitive nation, such as education, healthcare, culture and social Security.
The main tasks of the problem under study are directly related to the disclosure of the essence of social trust, its role in harmonizing social and social relations, in improving the social capital of modern Kazakhstan.
Studies of foreign and domestic scientists allow us to understand the conceptual foundations of trust, the interaction strategy of social groups, the prospects for the development of civil society, as well as the features and specifics of the social capital of modern societies, models of civil behavior of the population.
Trust plays an important role in building a civil society, is its main institution, as well as the main component of social capital and effective social relations.
Today, quality information is reflected in the human mind and affects its social behavior. Therefore, great attention must be paid to the quality of the information provided, and their usefulness to citizens. Types of trust are also characterized by the quality of social relations. The study of trust in modern society is primarily due to the need to disclose its potential resources; secondly, the substantiation of its important role as a structural element of interpersonal and institutional social relations of a particular society.
The need to reduce poverty growth in society, distrust and social risks are important challenges facing modern societies
Published May 2021
How to Cite
Атабаева, Г.К. and Абдикерова, Г. 2021. ROLE OF TRUST IN KAZAKHSTAN SOCIETY. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Historical and social-political sciences. 4, 67 (May 2021). DOI: