The article contains the culture and life of the Kazakh diaspora living in the countries of near and far abroad, that is, in various countries of the political and economic structure. Due to the different policies pursued under the white and red empires, our compatriots. who were forced to leave their homeland today live in different parts of the world. Among them there are those who have moved due to social crises, by the will of fate, and there are also people who have made a choice on the issues of conscious learning, work, etc. The laws of moving representatives of the Kazakh diaspora to their homeland, providing them with social support, and acquiring citizenship of the Republic have been resolved Kazakhstan and others. Today there are Kazakh cultural centers abroad that unite the Kazakh diaspora on various issues. Kazakh cultural centers work in close contact with the World Association of Kazakhs and the Otandastar Foundation. Some of the works carried out in the unity of the Kazakh cultural society and association and the "Otandastar Foundation" in solving urgent problems of the Kazakh diaspora are presented in the article.
How to Cite
Исабек , Б. and Қозғамбаева , Г. 2020. KAZAKH DIASPORA AND KAZAKH CULTURAL CENTERS. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Historical and social-political sciences. 4, 67 (Dec. 2020). DOI: