The purpose of the annotated article is to identify political, socio-cultural factors in the preservation and change of the spiritual life, culture and traditions of Kazakhs living in Mongolia, a comprehensive analysis of the continuity of the national heritage between generations. Some of our compatriots in Mongolia grew up from this region and lived for hundreds of years, and some settled during the Soviet period. Comparative analysis of the indicators of the spiritual culture of the Kazakhs. The data on general education, the level of secondary and higher education of the population of the Bayan-Olga region are analyzed, the share of education of specialists with secondary, special and higher education in the region is determined. Living far from their historical homeland, Kazakhs invest in the development of culture, national values, replenish and revive all the forgotten places of our native culture. Socio-cultural features of Kazakh society today, for ethnic Kazakhs, the socio-cultural space of the historical homeland is becoming a "different cultural environment", giving rise to certain adaptation problems. A special place in the preservation of the native culture of the Kazakhs living in Mangystau: language, education system, Saka art, oral and written literature. A great contribution to the development of the Kazakh literary sphere was made by people living inside the Kobda Kazakh people, who mourn the preservation of the national culture of this people. It is important to study the influence of the Kazakh diaspora living in the world of other peoples on the formation of a national idea of their national identity and cultural heritage in everyday life.
Published December 2024
Mangolia, Bayan-Ulgiy, Kazakh diaspora, reading - education, cultural life, literature, art.
How to Cite
Тoкишкaдыpoв Б. and Л.С. Динашева 2024. SPIRITUAL AND CULTURAL LIFE OF KAZAKHS IN MONGOLIA. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Historical and social-political sciences. 4, 83 (Dec. 2024). DOI: