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Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Historical and social-political sciences


Published December 2024



Нархоз университеті

There is a legend and fairy tale among the people associated with the name of Karamergen. The legend is called "Kabylisa's Dream". Karamergen, the hero of the fairy tale, is introduced to everyone as “Karamergen”, just like the name of the fairy tale. These recorded legacies require historical research and study in the course of today's research work, and the main character of the legend Karamergen and other legends Kabylisa jyrau, Bopau batyr, Alpysbai volost, torch-keeper Tezekbai, based on genealogical data, are identified as real characters and have similarities with the fairy tale “Karamergen ". Based on archival documents, the spiritual heritage of the people was studied, the genealogy was reconstructed, and it was found that their descendants exist to this day. The publication of such historical and ethnographic research materials is the main pressing problem of our time. This is evidenced by documents, oral history, genealogy, as well as the need and requirements for establishing direct and reverse connections with descendants who are hidden in the depths of the archive.

In connection with the works of the first Kazakh scientist of the 19th  century, Sh. Valikhanov and based on the materials of the published works of N.N. Pantusov, who conducted ethnographic and archaeological research in the Kazakh region, were used as a basis. The issue under consideration was not only the genealogy of the heroes, documentary evidence in the archive, but also territorial and regional issues were taken into account. The main chronological framework for the study of legends and fairy tales is the 19th century and the first quarter of the 20th century. From the point of view of genealogical research, it covers the period from the 15th century to the present day. As a result of the study of the legend and fairy tale, the moments of its reliability and incompatibility with the story were determined, and the truth of the legend as a real story in history was shown. It has also been proven that their descendants are genealogical witnesses.

The process of researching the legend forced me to write a genealogy of the descendants of “DAULETBAI”. The genealogy of Kabylisa (Kaban) jyrau was revised, several checks were carried out by establishing direct and reverse connections with his descendants, conducting several studies, and as a result, in 2024, a special book was written and published in Kazakh, English and Russian.

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How to Cite

Айнакулов, Д., С.Ж. Болтаева and С.П. Досанбай 2024. KARAMERGEN – LEGEND, FAIRY TALE AND REALITY. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Historical and social-political sciences. 4, 83 (Dec. 2024). DOI: