The article is devoted to the problem of relations between the state and religion during the Great Patriotic War. The war period required the mobilization of all forces and destroyed the border between two completely different forms of thinking. Despite the common goals pursued by the government and religious organizations, the leaders of the state were wary of religion and continued anti-religious propaganda. The paper examines the diversity of religious movements on the territory of Kazakhstan, both traditional and non-traditional, their activities among the population, as well as the continued keen interest in them from the latter. Of particular interest is the activity of the Soviet body of control over religious institutions and their ministers - the Union of Militant Atheists. Active propaganda work was carried out through mass exhibitions, lectures, art performances, conferences and other forms. In addition, courses and seminars were organized to train new personnel for a functioning organization.
The content of the article is based on archival materials from the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, largely confirming the complexity of the religious situation on the ground and the mass religiosity of the population. The measures taken by the Soviet leadership to prevent any manifestation of religious sentiments were reflected.