Any people on Earth have a secret From ages spiritual value, meaningful heritage between the past and the future the Chronicle treasureis arecord of ancient times no one could deny it. The diversity and richness of cultural heritage are a fundamental feature of a civilized society, an integration component of national and state identity. The national character of the people, thought, literature and art are complex and elusive categories. History shows that humanity turns for help to its origins - centuries of accumulated written monuments of antiquity. Today's global competition requires all peoples of the world to respect the history of the past, the spiritual culture, language and traditions of their people, first of all to collect the heritage of ancient ancestors, to preserve written monuments and to search for the roots of future historical knowledge. That is, the significant events and periods that witnessed each new epoch were preserved only on the pages of written literary monuments. Therefore, understanding the importance of written monuments, preserving them historically and increasing their size is one of the most pressing issues today.
How to Cite
Мархаба, Ә. and Рахметуллин, А. 2024. FOREIGN DATA ABOUT KAZAKH PEOPLE IN MEDIEVAL CENTURY. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Historical and social-political sciences. 3, 82 (Sep. 2024). DOI: