The article deals with the ways of influence of the state-party system of the Soviet state on the ideological education of children through the use of children's literature. The subject of the study is Kazakh children's literature of the Soviet period, which is an important part of Kazakh culture and literature of that time. Archival documents and works of writers served as materials. Historical-systemic, historical-comparative methods of research were used. In the USSR children's literature was not only addressed to the reader under the age of 16-18 years, but at the same time it had an important ideological function from the point of view of the state. Party and state bodies on a systematic basis made children's literature a tool for educating children to become citizens of the country with clear guidelines. All kinds of culture in the USSR, including children's literature, were called upon to solve the task of building a new society and educating a new man. Articles by S. Kirabayev, A. Tazhibayev, A.Nurkatov, S. Seitov, A. Derbisalin, S. Ordaliyev, B. Sakhariyev, N. Gabdullin on various genres of Kazakh children's literature are published on the pages of newspapers and magazines. Children, forming their personality under the influence of Soviet literature, were to become part of the communist society, so the Communist Party of the USSR and the Soviet government gave children's literature an important role in the education of young people. Children's book becomes an independent artistic phenomenon and is considered as a powerful tool in the ideological struggle for the formation of a new man, and childhood - as the most important period contributing to the education of a person who meets the highest ideals of the Soviet society.
CHILDREN'S LITERATURE AS AN INSTRUMENT OF FORMATION OF THE IDEAL OF A SOVIET CITIZEN (on the example of Kazakh children's literature of 1950-1980).
Published December 2024
USSR, ideology, congress, CPSU, resolution, children, Soviet children's literature, writers, story.
How to Cite
Бекмагамбетова, М., Руслан Бекмагамбетов and Э.Т. Нурпеисова 2024. CHILDREN’S LITERATURE AS AN INSTRUMENT OF FORMATION OF THE IDEAL OF A SOVIET CITIZEN (on the example of Kazakh children’s literature of 1950-1980). Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Historical and social-political sciences. 4, 83 (Dec. 2024). DOI: