The purpose of the research work is that the socio–economic situation of the Kazakh ASSR underwent serious changes in the 1920s. Soviet socio-economic reforms did not take into account the specifics of local social development. And the powerful cadres sent from above could not understand the meaning of the life of the Kazakh people. At the same time, a number of people of Kazakh nationality made efforts to transform the Soviet reforms carried out in the socio-economic sphere into the interests of the nation.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the historical role and continuity of these individuals today. One of the tasks of the research work is measured by the assessment and judgment of the actions of historical figures who occupied the power system of the Kazakh ASSR in the 1920s, aimed at correcting and promoting local socio-economic spheres, such as S. Mendeshev, U. Kulymbetov.
The relevance of the research work contributes to the identification of the historical significance of socio-economic phenomena realized in the Kazakh steppe in the 1920s. During this period, Kazakh society underwent several crucial social and economic reforms. It is important to be able to correctly evaluate the work of political figures who were able to correct the shortcomings of the public system and spend their efforts for the benefit of society.
As a result of the research, we were convinced of a number of aspects of the development of the socio-economic systems of the Kazakh ASSR in the 1920s. During the study, it was possible to make a historical judgment about the nature of the inappropriate facets of the reforms carried out by the Soviet government.