The purpose of the article is that most of the historical museums are concentrated in the Turkestan region. Research on the role of museums in the formation and development of historical consciousness has recently become widely considered in science. Undoubtedly, the close dialogue between museum activities and various sectors of society drives historical understanding. It is especially important that the students of the school are well acquainted with the rich fund of museums. To this end, this research paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the role of museums in the Turkestan region in determining historical consciousness.
One of the tasks of the research work is determined by the attention to the directions in museums for the effective use of historical heritage and the modernization of national consciousness. The work of museums in modern science is assessed as a public institution combining national history and culture. In accordance with this, the task is to analyze the public activity of museums in the Turkestan region and the results of real historical and cultural work.
The relevance of the research work is measured by the fact that modern innovative technologies are becoming a leading value in human life. The younger generation is used to perceiving things visually. It is important to develop historical and spiritual consciousness using this feature of their abilities in the museum field. To do this, it becomes necessary to study the components that meet the modern public demand of museums.
As a result of the study, a conclusion was made about the mechanisms of influence and connection of museums of the Turkestan region with social processes.