The article presents a comparative analysis of the views and research of scientists about traditional Kazakh society. The ideological content, political and social structure and national values of traditional Kazakh society are also analyzed. The place and role of traditional society in the formation of the basis of historical consciousness and national culture are highlighted. Since the beginning of the 19th century, as a result of the radical colonization policy of Tsarist Russia in the Kazakh steppe, the destruction of the country's political independence, the strengthening of the social classification of society, adaptation from a nomadic economy to a settled economy, the increasingly bold penetration of monetary and commodity relations has changed the socio-economic structure of society, aggravated social contradictions , and the tribalism of the Kazakh people led to a change in the tribal structure. It became possible to objectively study this topic only after our country gained independence. As a result of the methodological description of the formational and civilizational paths of social development, the features of the historical knowledge of nomads are shown. Documentary and historiographical issues of the oral tradition of storytelling and genealogical consciousness characteristic of the historical memory and social memory of nomadic peoples are formulated. In the process of describing the ethnosocial conditions of the formation and development of the political system in Kazakh society, an attempt was made to restore the social memory of the history of the Eurasian nomadic civilization. A historiographical analysis of research in this direction is carried out.
spiritual transformation
traditional society
national value
national consciousness
How to Cite
Г.Б.Идрисова and Серубаева, А. 2024. THE HISTORIOGRAPHY OF TRADITIONAL KAZAKH SOCIETY . Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Historical and social-political sciences. 4, 83 (Dec. 2024). DOI: