An article entitled “Religion and Society: An Epistemological Aspect” is devoted to the problem of religion, which has always been of vital importance to society, which is always on the agenda. In particular, it is devoted to the analysis of theoretical and methodological aspects of religion, the study of the conclusions of famous scientists who studied the phenomenon of religion.
Religious definitions and religious beliefs in various scientific fields, including historical, evolutionary, psychological, functional, etc.
Having studied the theory, laid the foundation for the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each conclusion.
After analyzing the findings of religious figures in various scientific fields, he made the following important conclusions:
First of all, they say that the definitions of each scientist are specific to a particular field of science. Thus, the sympathy of religion given by a political scientist or sociologist will be significantly different from the sympathy of a psychologist, philosopher, historian or religious scientist.
Secondly, it is worth mentioning that no definition can be considered complete and final as an interpretation of a complex, frightening phenomenon. Therefore, the agenda is the development of ethical principles and objectives of the study of religion, as well as the question of its specific definition. In this regard, a number of methodological problems arise.
Published May 2021
How to Cite
Досмахамбетұлы, Ғ. 2021. RELIGION AND SOCIETY: GENEALOGICAL ASPECT. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Historical and social-political sciences. 3, 66 (May 2021).