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TEACHING AT SCHOOL THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENTSIA IN RESTORING THE INTEGRITY OF THE KAZAKH LAND (Activity Research as a strategy for improving the efficiency of independent acivities of a modern teacher)

Published December 2023
МКТУ имени Х.А. Яссави

With the creation of the Kazakh Assr, one of the most important issues on the agenda was the formation of the integrity of the Kazakh land. Alash figures considered their important mission to include in the newly created autonomy the historical Kazakh lands that were scattered and remained on the territory of the Siberian revkom, the Turkestan Assr and the RSFSR. The work of the Kazakh intelligentsia in the formation of the territory of the modern Republic of Kazakhstan in the historical and legal context is enormous. This complex historical event is included in the curriculum of the 9th grade in general secondary schools.
The article discusses the activities and role of the Kazakh intelligentsia in the formation of the integrity of the historical territories of the Kazakh people, the analysis of the lesson conducted in the framework of the pedagogical approach "Action Research-Action Research" in the 9th grade of general secondary school in order to know the historical significance of this event. "Action Research-Action Research" is a general assessment of what the teacher does on a daily basis, as well as a modern form of teacher reflection. The choice of how to conduct research in action depends on the participants involved in this process. This can be a study by a specific teacher, a group of teachers, or a school study. The essence of research in activity is that the teacher (group of teachers) develops professional skills by solving a specific problem that has arisen in the course of activity. Thus, by conducting research in activities, the teacher makes changes to his teaching experience. This pedagogical approach is highly effective in teaching this historical period and is important in the development of students ' skills to understand and analyze historical events, to know the causal relationship in the study of the topic.

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How to Cite

Жамелов, Б., Сүлейменова and Базарбаев 2023. TEACHING AT SCHOOL THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENTSIA IN RESTORING THE INTEGRITY OF THE KAZAKH LAND (Activity Research as a strategy for improving the efficiency of independent acivities of a modern teacher). BULLETIN ABAI KAZNPU, THE SERIES OF «HISTORICAL AND SOCIO-POLITICAL SCIENCES». 4, 79 (Dec. 2023). DOI: