After the February Revolution, the Kazakh intelligentsia successfully took advantage of the arrival of the Provisional Government, considered a number of issues taking place in the Kazakh land at the Kurultai, and tried to find shemymyn. Soon, A. N. Bokeikhanov was appointed commissioner of the Provisional Government for the Turgay region. A little later, M. Tynyshbayev, then Mustafa Shokai were included in the Turkestan Committee of the Provisional Government. ZhanshaDosmukhamedov, KhalelGabbasov, ZhakipAkbayev, AsfendiyarKenzhin, AzimkhanKenesarin and some other representatives of the Kazakh people joined the executive bodies of the Provisional Government in a number of counties and cities of Kazakhstan and Turkestan. At that moment, saying that the day of the liberation of the people was born, he put forward issues of public education, the opening of schools, women's rights, pardoning those who participated in the national-Tuazat movement, providing food, work, etc. For the Kazakh democratic intelligentsia, the main issue at different times was the land issue. Congresses of a number of cities were also held on this issue. The article describes the position of the Provisional Government in Kazakhstan in relation to the Kazakh intelligentsia after the February Revolution and the creation of regional commissions.
Published September 2023
Kazakh intelligentsia, Provisional Government, appointment of regional commissars, district congress
How to Cite
Нұрманбетқызы, Ж. 2023. XX ҒАСЫРБАСЫНДАҒЫ ҚАЗАҚСТАНДАҒЫҰЛТЗИЯЛЫЛАРЫНЫҢҚОҒАМДЫҚСАЯСИҚЫЗМЕТІ. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Historical and social-political sciences. 76, 4 (Sep. 2023). DOI: