The article is devoted to the review and scientific analysis of the ancient and medieval history of the peoples of Central Asia based on the work of the historian-chronicler Abu'l-Ghazi "Shejere-i-tarakim". The main purpose of the article is to analyze and determine the scientific significance of the data presented in the work "Shejere-i-tarakim", describing the period from the appearance of man to the history of the Turkmen in the XVII century, as well as to conduct a scientific and theoretical analysis of the works of researchers of each period.
It is impossible to ignore the work of medieval scholars who consider the history of the origin and distribution of tribes that played an important role in the complex ethnic history of the peoples of Central Asia. In particular, Abu'l-Ghazi's work is important in reflecting the most important aspects of the formation of the ideological foundations of the Turkic-speaking peoples, in the study of ethnopolitical processes in the Middle Ages. The analysis of the data in the work not only helps to reveal more deeply some unknown moments of history, but also makes up a number of leading works on the reflection of economic, social, cultural and political interrelations between the Turkic peoples.
Today, a comprehensive, thorough study of the works of medieval authors in source studies and historiographical aspects is important for the history of Kazakhstan. Our main goal is to analyze the data of the historian Abu'l-Ghazi, which will help reveal the history of the ancient and medieval peoples of Central Asia in the work "Shejere-i-tarakim", compare these data with the works of domestic and foreign Turkologists.