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Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая. Серия: Исторические и социально-политические науки


Опубликован March 2023




ElsaBrändströmwasborn in the Russian capital in 1888 as Sweden'sAmbassadorto St. Petersburg. Havingspent her childhood in Sweden, Elsareturnedto Petersburg in 1908. Upontheoutbreak of the First World War, shepetitionedtovolunteer as a nurse in the Russian Army. ShewasassignedtotheSwedishRed Cross Commissionandnoted her observationsandevaluations ofTurkishsoldiers as well as GermanandAustriansoldiers in SiberiaandTurkestanregion. Brändströmwroteaboutthenationality of theprisoners of war, in whichcitiesandunderwhatconditionstheylived. ElsaBrändström, known as the "Angel of Siberia" because of her helptotheprisoners of war, has managedtoattracttheattention of theAmericanandEuropeanpublictotheprisoners of war. Petersburg, Moscow, Kyiv, Tomsk, Orenburg, Irkutskandthecities of theAltairegion, he wasresponsibleforthetransportation of aidcampaignsduringthewar. Traveling in West Turkestan, Brändströmpublished his observations on thecultural, economic, religiousanddaily life of theTurkicliving in theregion at theend of thewar (1921). Inthepaper, thesituation of Turkishprisoners of war, especially his determinationsaboutTurkishpeople, will be evaluatedfromtheperspective of a Swedishnurse.




Как цитировать

Ондер , Д. 2023. “SİBİRYAMELEĞİ”: ELSABRÄNDSTRÖM’UNTÜRKİSTAN İZLENİMLERİ. Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая. Серия: Исторические и социально-политические науки. 4, 75 (мар. 2023). DOI:https://doi.org/10.51889/1284.2022.13.52.018.