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Journal policy


Bulletin of Abai KazNPU, "Historical and socio-political Sciences"

Bulletin, "Historical and socio-political Sciences" is published 4 times a year in paper and electronic format in the following terms: the first issue - until March 30, the second - until June 30; the third issue - until September 30, The fourth one is until December 30th.

The purpose of the publication is to create a scientific platform for discussing the results of research in the field of archaeology, ethnography, demography, socio-economic, political and social, personal history, methods of teaching history, world history, source studies and historiography. Publication of scientific results in it, representing the positions of researchers of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the near and far abroad on increasing the role of historical science in accordance with the requirements of modern world scientific knowledge.


- creation of conditions for scientific and printed publication of historical science in the scientific and publishing sphere at the present stage;

- promotion of historically advanced concepts and practices of effective management of scientific, innovative and educational activities of leading domestic and foreign scientific centers;

- Improving the professional level of scientists in the field of history and related sciences.

The thematic areas of the magazine:

- Socio-economic history;

- Universal history;

- Political and social history;

- Source studies and historiography;

- Archaeology and ethnology;

- Methods of teaching history;

- Personalities;

- Research by young scientists.


 Terms of publication

All articles are accepted through the journal's website. The same author cannot publish an article more than twice a year. One author cannot publish more than one article in one issue.

All articles submitted to the editorial office of "Historical and socio-political Sciences" are checked for borrowing materials in the Anti-Plagiarism system" (license) with a threshold level of 75%. With the help of technical and other unfair methods, it is not allowed to obtain an illegal text and illegally cite works published by another author, increase the originality of the text.

All journal articles are assigned a DOI, authors (optional for all) they are registered in the Crossref database.

All articles must be designed in accordance with the requirements and carefully processed. The Editorial Board reserves the right to select articles for inclusion in the journal, shorten texts and make necessary amendments to them without the consent of the authors. The authors of the published articles are responsible for the accuracy of the facts. The editorial board's opinion may not coincide with the opinion of the authors of the published materials. Articles rejected by the editorial board are not accepted and are not reviewed again.

Articles must be uploaded to your personal account on the journal's website. To complete an article from the Anti-Plagiarism system, the Full article is downloaded in pdf format, and an article without a name and affiliation in MS Word format is downloaded for review.

The review of a scientific article takes from 1 to 6 months.

Articles corresponding to the thematic areas of the journal, written in Kazakh, Russian or English in accordance with the requirements for the design of a previously unpublished manuscript by the author(s), are accepted.

The manuscript of a scientific article is submitted by the author to the editorial board at least two months before the next issue of the journal is published. Manuscripts containing at least 5,000 words and no more than 7000 words (information about the authors, annotations, keywords, bibliographic list, with the exception of the title) are accepted for publication in the journal.


The editorial board of the journal "Historical and Socio-Political Sciences" adheres to the international standards of ethics of scientific publications, developed and approved by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and takes into account the valuable experience of reputable international journals and publishers. The editorial board of the journal does its best to comply with ethical standards adopted by the international scientific community and to prevent any violations of these standards both in its own work and in relations with all participants in the process of scientific publications: authors, reviewers, editors, publishers, distributors and readers.


All articles submitted to the editorial office of the journal of "Historical and socio-political Sciences" are checked for borrowing materials in the Anti-Plagiarism system (license), the threshold level is 75%. If necessary, the article can be rechecked by the editorial board in the StrikePlagiarism, Turnitin system. In case of detection of numerous borrowings, the editorial board acts in accordance with the rules of the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):

- notifies the author(s) of the presence of borrowings;

- receives confirmation of the notification from the author(s);

- rejects the article.


All articles are double-blind peer-reviewed. The materials submitted for consideration and unpublished data may not be used by members of the editorial board / editorial board and reviewers in personal research without the written consent of the author(s). The results of the review are confidential. Reviewers, in case of a conflict of interest, are not allowed to review the article.


The bulletin of Abai KazNPU, "Historical and socio-political Sciences" provides open access to the contents of the journal on the official website. This ensures the expansion of information access to the journal on the scale of the global scientific community.

All issues of the journal Bulletin Abai KazNPU, "Historical and socio-political Sciences" are available in paper form in the university library (86 Tole bi str.), as well as in the editorial office

The electronic version of all issues of the journal is available on the KazNPU website. Abai is in the scientific journals section. Electronic archives of magazine issues (since 2010) http://sp on the new website of the journal, available in the section / and with detailed information about the journal:


 The authors pay 30,000 (thirty thousand) tenge for each article. The price includes: payment for the publication of the article, assignment of a DOI number, registration of authors in the Crossref database.

Payment is made by transferring money to the bank details of KazNPU named after Abai OR through the mobile application.

1) Payment via money transfer to the bank details of KazNPU named after Abai marked "for the publication of the article":

НАО Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая

БИН 031 240 004 969

АО "БанкЦентрКредит",

Расчетный счет KZ178560000000086696

Кбе 16


2) Payment via the mobile application:



Institute (Payment of employees/other persons)

Course (Payment of employees/other persons)

Type of payment (Publication of the article)

In the comments, specify "Payment for the publication of the article"

The payment receipt is sent to the WhatsApp number of the technical secretary of the journal.