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Review procedure

Manuscripts received by the editorial office undergo technical expertise, the results of which are admission to peer review. The technical expertise is carried out by the section editor and includes: the editor's initial assessment, during which the correspondence of the subject matter to the direction of the Journal is determined; checked for compliance with the design requirements; check for the uniqueness of the text in the «Antiplagiat» system.

The results of the check are reflected in the help on the uniqueness of the text, which is generated automatically in the "Antiplagiat" system. The degree of uniqueness of the text of the manuscript of the article must be at least 75 percent, excluding citation.

For journals in the social and humanitarian direction, the presence of scientists with publications in journals included in the Web of science or Scopus:

Blind peer review:

Using a licensed plagiarism checker system: yes / no

After receiving the author's materials, the manuscript is sent for anonymous expert review and for checking the originality of the text (for the presence of such a text using the Antiplagiat system). The uniqueness of the text must be at least 75%. Based on the results of peer review and technical verification, the article can either be rejected, or sent to the authors for revision, or accepted for publication.

After receiving a positive review, the editorial board notifies the authors that the article will be accepted for publication. In case of comments from reviewers and editors, the author must correct and supplement the article within the specified time frame. In case of refusal to publish an article, the editorial board sends a reasoned refusal to the author.

The authors are responsible for the selection and accuracy of the facts, quotes, statistical, sociological and other data, proper names, geographical names and other information. The editors reserve the right to make editorial changes. The editorial board can publish materials without sharing the author's point of view (in order of discussion).

No more than one article of one author can be published in one issue of the journal. Articles in the journal are published strictly in compliance with the requirements of the KKSON MES RK for the design of scientific articles.

 Manuscripts of young scientists (doctoral students, undergraduates, applicants) are accepted for consideration if there are two external reviews from specialists.