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Studying the history of street names in different cities of the world and in Kazakhstan

Published January 2022
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty

The object of the study is the proper names of streets, alleys, squares, and the identification of common and culturally specific characteristics of inner-city names in different countries of the world and in Kazakhstani.

Street names, as well as other urban toponymy, are an integral part of our historical heritage. The name is not only a "business card" of a street or avenue, but a kind of monument of the era in which it arose, from ancient times to the present, a "mirror" of history. After all, the names of city streets did not arise immediately, their origin stems from the depths of time, revealing the historical roots of our ancestors. The city of Almaty has a venerable age and its streets have seen a lot in their lifetime. We also wanted to learn about the origin of the street names of our city.

Our research has shown that streets often get their names in honor of famous people, according to geographical and natural principles, and can change them as a result of historical events taking place in the country. Such an event was the revolution of 1917. It changed not only the state system of our Motherland, but also the names of the streets of our city. In the course of this work, a historical and toponymic study was conducted. During the work, I had to get acquainted with the history of the origin of street names, which allowed me to better understand the history of not only Almaty, but also the history of the development of other countries.



How to Cite

Рустемова, А., Orazbekova, I. and Myrzakhmet, M. 2022. Studying the history of street names in different cities of the world and in Kazakhstan . BULLETIN ABAI KAZNPU, THE SERIES OF «HISTORICAL AND SOCIO-POLITICAL SCIENCES». 68, 4 (Jan. 2022). DOI: