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Features of the birth rate of the kazakh population in the modern period and the formation of new trends in demographic development

Published July 2021
Восточно-Казахстанский университет им. С. Аманжолова

At the present stage of development of Kazakhstan, there is a stabilization of the demographic situation, an increase in the population, and a weakening of the migration outflow from the republic. Among the factors that influence demographic processes, endogenous becomes the dominant one. The above brings to the fore the problem of analyzing the processes of reproduction and fertility.

The article considers the following characteristics of fertility-age-by-age indicators, the total coefficient and the net coefficient. The analysis of birth rates is presented in the regional context. The paper presents statistical data on the reproduction of the Kazakh ethnic group in the period from 1990 to 2009. Based on the analysis of statistical data, the author of the article made conclusions that allow us to talk about the formation of new trends in the demographic development of the Kazakh ethnic group.

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How to Cite

Гульжан, С. 2021. Features of the birth rate of the kazakh population in the modern period and the formation of new trends in demographic development. BULLETIN ABAI KAZNPU, THE SERIES OF «HISTORICAL AND SOCIO-POLITICAL SCIENCES». 2, 69 (Jul. 2021). DOI: