The article examines the personality and literary image of the brilliant writer Kemel Tokayev. Kemel Tokayev is the author of the first works of the detective genre in Kazakh literature. It is worth noting that in the Kazakh literature in this genre very little is studied. The life experience and writing talent of Kemel Tokayev, hardened in the harsh hardships of the war, served as an example for subsequent writers. The main goal of our research is to study the work of Kemel Tokayev, who laid the Foundation for a new direction among writers, and pass it on to the younger generation.
How to Cite
Шакиев, .М. 2021. KEMEL TOKAYEV: HISTORY OF THE CREATIVE PATH. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Historical and social-political sciences. 4, 67 (May 2021).