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Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Historical and social-political sciences


Published December 2024




One of the main purposes of history is to study the lives and work of famous historical figures who were innocent victims of political repression. The article describes the life and work of Saduakas Osmanov, who served for the benefit of the country in Central Asia and Kazakhstan, whose identity has not yet been established,  accused of belonging to a counter-revolutionary nationalist organization,  arrested, slandered as an enemy of the people, and became a victim while being the first secretary of Kelessky district committee.

The merits of the Kazakh intelligentsia, who served in the highest echelons of Soviet power, are important both for history and for our contemporaries. The purpose of the study is to instill in the younger generation respect for their own history, learn lessons from the past, and form a patriotic character in individuals. Results: archival data describing the life and work of Saduakas Osmanov was analyzed and their content was identified. Conclusion: Documents taken from the archives of the Turkestan region have been introduced into scientific circulation. This helped to study fully personality of Saduakas Osmanov and determine his significance for the history of Kazakhstan as a historical figure, Thanks to Historical figure - Saduakas Osmanov his educational and creative activities, the work “Dictionary of the Kazakh Language” became a great contribution to the field of education. National figures were groundlessly accused of creating secret counter-revolutionary organizations with the aim of overthrowing the USSR.

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