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Instructions for revoking articles

Instructions for revoking articles instructions for revoking or correcting articles, publishing corrections, apologies, refutations revoking articles (retraction)

Article review (retraction) is used to prevent cases of duplicate publications (when authors submit the same data for several publications), plagiarism, concealment of conflicts of interest, provision of unreliable data that affect the interpretation of data or recommendations for their use. Reasons for revoking the article (retraction): - detection of plagiarism in the article; - duplication of the article in various publications; - detection of serious errors (incorrect interpretation of the results), which calls into question its scientific value; - detection of falsifications or fabrications in the text of the article; - incorrect composition of authors; - presence of a conflict of interests (and other violations of publication ethics); - re-publication of the article, carried out without the consent of the co-author. A review of the article (retraction) can be initiated: - at the official written request of the author of the article; according to the official written request of the editorial board of another journal; - at the written request of other persons (participants in the conflict of interest) in the presence of evidence of violations of scientific ethics by the author of the article; - when the editorial board of the journal finds facts of violations of scientific ethics by the author of the article. The procedure for revoking (retracting) the article: 1. After the request of the author or another person, the editorial board of the journal appoints a commission to verify the data. 2. If a decision is made to withdraw an article, the minutes of the meeting of the editorial board indicate the reason and date of the withdrawal. The protocol is submitted to the Publication Ethics Committee (SORE) for entering information into a single database of retracted articles. Information about the revoked texts is transmitted to scientometric databases and libraries that host the journal. articles; 3. In case of serious moral damage to the parties to the conflict of interests, information about the fact of violation of scientific ethics may be transmitted to the place of work of the author. 4. The editorial board reserves the right to decide on further cooperation with the author of the retracted article. CORRECTIONS, APOLOGIES, REFUTATIONS Grounds for making corrections to the published article: - the detected errors make the work invalid, but a small part of the publication turns out to be unreliable; - there are errors in the list of authors; - a small part of the article turns out to be plagiarism; - it was found that the article was published in another journal. Corrections are posted in the "News" section in the form of an editorial comment. The original phrase from the article is given in the comment to the article and the comment to it is placed. The online version of the material is corrected with the date of correction and a link to the printed source of the typo. If falsified material is found in published articles, the corresponding editorial comment explains why the article is refuted or apologies are made, with a reference to the article.